
Results made to order
For DJs Dugout Downtown

When contractors suggested painted concrete floors for the newest DJ’s Dugout, Darwin Hanssen, owner of the popular Omaha sports bar and restaurants, had his doubts. Just a few years before, the technique was used in another location, resulting in peeling and flaking and affecting its appearance.

After being assured by the contractor that this wouldn’t happen with Hunter Advanced Concrete Polishing, the project moved forward.

"It was different from the beginning. We could see their process was very intensive and professionally done," Hanssen said. "Hunter came in and completed sample areas, working closely with the manager to get exactly the right color and effect she wanted."

Using a special grinding machine, floors were prepared and polished. A proprietary chemical was applied with high-quality applicators to permanently strengthen and seal the floor’s surface. Special brushes were then used to apply paint to create the custom-designed color and create the desired finish.

Six months later, the new DJ’s Dugout Downtown has been successfully drawing customers to its new location – including the crowds from the College World Series at the downtown stadium just blocks away.

"They did an awesome job," Hanssen said. "Our cleaning contractor cleans all three locations and they love this floor because it’s so easy to maintain."

In fact, Hanssen hopes to use Hunter and his system for the customer areas when he remodels one of the other DJ’s Dugout West Omaha location.

His advice for others considering a concrete floor system? "Definitely go with a professional. Cheaper isn’t always best and sometimes it shows in the results," he said.

To see the results, please see our concrete polishing gallery